Home Blog Facebook Messenger Marketing Automation

Facebook Messenger Marketing Automation

by chris

We’ve been working on some options to implement Messenger Bots – Intelligent marketing direct to consumers, via the Facebook Messaging service.

The main reason we’re looking at this is because it looks to be a great way to engage customers within an app they’re very comfortable using.

The fact that it requires some level of engagement in the first place means that some of the statistics we’re seeing on open rates (80% – 95% at the top end) as well as click rates (70% – 80%) aren’t surprising.

So we’ll be looking at putting together some tests in live environments, with a focus on ticket and merchandise sales, as well as seeing what kind of traction it can deliver for streaming and downloads.

If that’s something you’d like to discuss with us – get in touch via thewhoslookinglist@gmail.com

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